Sunday, October 01, 2006


The image of Hale-Bopp to the left was taken by Phil Langill using the 16" telescope.

Comets are small, fragile, irregularly shaped bodies composed of a mixture of dust grains and frozen gases and are probably left over from the formation of the Solar System. They have highly elliptical orbits that bring them very close to the Sun and swing them deeply into space, often beyond the orbit of Pluto. Comet structures are diverse and very dynamic, but they all develop a surrounding cloud of diffuse material, called a coma, that usually grows in size and brightness as the comet approaches the Sun. Usually a small, bright nucleus (less than 10 km in diameter) is visible in the middle of the coma. The coma and the nucleus together constitute the head of the comet.
As comets approach the Sun they develop enormous tails of luminous material that extend for millions of kilometers from the head, away from the Sun. When far from the Sun, the nucleus is very cold and its material is frozen solid within the nucleus. In this state comets are sometimes referred to as a "dirty iceberg" or "dirty snowball," since over half of their material is ice. When a comet approaches within a few Astronomical Units (AU) of the Sun, the surface of the nucleus begins to warm, and volatiles evaporate. The evaporated molecules boil off and carry small solid particles with them, forming the comet's coma of gas and dust.
When the nucleus is frozen, it can be seen only by reflected sunlight. However, when a coma develops, dust reflects still more sunlight, and gas in the coma absorbs ultraviolet radiation and begins to fluoresce. At about 5 AU from the Sun, fluorescence usually becomes more intense than reflected light.

The image of Hyakutake to the left was taken by Phil Langill using the 16" telescope.


  1. Just beautiful. I study the stars, has to do with a children's book I'm writing.

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I'm infatuated with stars and space,I'm only twelve,But my true passion is water,I want to be a marine bioligist!
